Be a Resolutionary

It’s not a typo. We are calling on volunteers and state lawmakers to become “resolutionaries” for parental rights.
What is a “resolutionary,” you ask? Well, as a revolutionary starts a revolution, we are looking for “resolutionaries” in each state to start a resolution—a state resolution calling on Congress to adopt the Parental Rights Amendment, that is.
Between 2010 and 2013, six states passed such resolutions: South Dakota, Louisiana, Montana, Idaho, Florida, and Wyoming. And now that the Parental Rights Amendment is back in the U.S. Congress, it is time to work on these again.
While not legally binding, a state resolution can help draw attention to the Parental Rights Amendment. It is fitting for the States, who ultimately hold the power to ratify a constitutional amendment, to call on Congress to present an amendment to them for that very purpose.
To be clear, this is different than a “Convention of States” effort. We are not calling for a convention. Rather, we are asking each state—we are asking your state—to urge Congress to propose the Amendment (under the same process we have been pursuing all along) and send it to them to ratify.
Most state legislatures will start up again in January, and we’d like to hit the ground running. So if your state does not already have a resolution, and if a parental rights statute effort isn’t already in the works, we invite you to download our model resolution language and share it with your state lawmakers to see if one or more of them will take the lead in getting this done.
The higher the number of States that resolve to call for the Amendment, the more pressure Congress will feel to get it done. And you can be instrumental in adding your State’s voice to the growing list.
So why not take a moment today to print out the model language, make some phone calls to your state senator or state house representative, and see what can be done in your state? (And while you’re on the phone, call your U.S. Senators and urge them to cosponsor S.J.Res. 48, the Parental Rights Amendment!) The truth is, you never know what you can accomplish until you try!
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
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[…] So right now we are looking for “Resolutionaries.” […]