Look What’s Now in Both Houses of Congress!

Dear Champion of Parental Rights,
I wanted to share an exciting update with you. This afternoon, the Parental Rights Amendment was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives! Congressman Randy Hultgren (R-IL 14), the lead sponsor of the resolution, was joined by 15 original cosponsors when he submitted the Amendment.
The Amendment has been numbered H.J. Res. 121. The Senate version, SJ Res. 48, was introduced in August by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
The introduction of the Parental Rights Amendment in both houses marks a significant step forward, and we could never have come so far without your support!
“We’re coming up on half-time in this Congress,” says Jim Mason, president of ParentalRights.org. “We are working to get a member of Congress from every state to become a co-sponsor in an effort to gain a hearing in the appropriate committees.”
Rep. Steve King (R-IA 4), the chairman of the subcommittee to which the House version has been assigned, is a long-time friend to parental rights. We are encouraged by our chances of getting a hearing on his schedule, which is the next step in the process.
This is a tremendous opportunity, and you are responsible for making it happen!
Now, we need your continued support. “We need our friends and supporters to call their Congress member’s D.C. and district offices and encourage them to cosponsor H.J. Res. 121. We need people to write or visit their congressman. And those who can, give,” says Mason.
To clear the House, the Amendment will need a two-thirds super-majority vote. To clear that hurdle, our voices alone will not be enough.
To accomplish this, we urgently need to ramp up our grassroots efforts and increase our public reach, as well as preparing for hearings in both House and Senate committees. These involve necessary expenses going forward, but success begins with your phone calls right now.
Could you take a moment right now to call your representative and urge them to sign on as a cosponsor today? Then, if you can, take another moment to give to ParentalRights.org. We are committed to pressing forward to secure our parental rights, and your support can help fuel the fight.
This afternoon’s introduction is only the beginning of what we can achieve together if we remain faithful to the cause and make our voices known! Thank you for standing with us as always!
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
Share This Exciting News with Your Friends and Urge Them to Call Their Congressman!