How Do We Unite Congress?

Between health care bills, Neil Gorsuch, and the Russian election investigation, one thing is painfully clear: Congress is as divided now as it has ever been. Democrats and Republicans, seemingly never quick to collaborate, are having even more trouble than usual finding common ground.
So how can we bring them together?
To pass an amendment to the Constitution (such as the proposed Parental Rights Amendment, or PRA) requires a two-thirds vote in each chamber of Congress. That means 290 members of the House, plus 67 Senators, all agreeing on the same thing. It almost defies imagination.
But then, most issues are not as staunchly supported across the political spectrum as are parental rights.
According to a 2010 Zogby poll, more than 90% of Americans, regardless of party, support the traditional view that, absent a showing of abuse or neglect, parents have the right to make decisions for their children without government interference. More than 92% of Democrats and 97% of Republicans agreed with this view. Independents surpassed 90%, even with a significant 4.5% answering “not sure.”
We have seen no evidence of public sentiment changing in the last few years, either. In a society divided by almost everything, we stand together on this.
And that gives us a real chance to make headway in Congress in the coming months.
We’ve spoken with an East Coast Republican ready to take the lead on parental rights in the House. We sat down with a Southwest Democrat’s staff who wondered, “Why aren’t there any Democrats on this?” We’ve spoken with a Midwest Democrat who told us, “This is real; I’ve seen this in my district,” and with another Republican who tells us, “I’ve worked with that Democrat; maybe I can help bring them on board.”
In a similar vein, we are working with organizations across the political spectrum to draft amendments to federal CAPTA law–the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act–to halt the use of federal funds in sponsoring programs that separate families and damage children. In this area, too, we believe we can find common cause for both parties.
Yes, parental rights need Congress; it is they who can send the PRA to the States for ratification. But just maybe Congress needs parental rights, as well–a common cause both parties can get behind.
But it won’t happen without your help.
First, there will be times when we will need you (and your family and friends!) to contact lawmakers and urge them to support the PRA or other parental rights legislation. This is how we can turn those outstanding polling numbers into solid majorities in Congress as well. So please urge your friends to sign up now so they’ll get those alerts and can make their voices heard!
But we also need your financial support. We are the only national organization exclusively focused on parental rights, the only group founded to realize the Parental Rights Amendment, and we are 100% donor-supported. That means our resources and our reach are defined by your generosity.
So would you please take a moment to make your most generous donation today? We will put those dollars toward passing new state laws, amending federal regulations, and ultimately winning key bipartisan support to permanently protect the rights of all parents in the text of the Constitution.
Thank you for standing with us, today and always, whether with your donations, your phone calls, or simply spreading the word. We would have no chance of success apart from you.
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research