Big Day in the U.S. House?

Today is the first day Congress is in session since the start of the August Recess more than a month ago. And while the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in the Senate Judiciary Committee will be grabbing all the headlines, today is an important day in the House, as well.
That’s because, as the first day the House is in session in over a month, today is the first chance in weeks that your congressman has to sign on as a cosponsor of H.J. Res. 121, the Parental Rights Amendment (PRA).
You may recall that our staff went to D.C. at the end of June to visit several congressmen and lobby with them on your behalf to support the PRA, which is led by Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-IL) in the House (and Sen. Lindsey Graham in the Senate). But their offices were busy with a lot of pressing bills throughout July, so that many did not have the bandwidth to look at our proposal and sign on as cosponsors.
Now it is time to get them signed on.
Please take a moment today to call your Congressman and urge him or her to sign on with Rep. Hultgren as a cosponsor of H.J. Res. 121, the Parental Rights Amendment. (And if you got this too late to call Tuesday, call on Wednesday. Or even Thursday. But please call as soon as you can!) You can find your congressman’s contact information on GovTrack, or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
- You will almost certainly talk to a staff member and not your actual congressional representative. Be courteous but clear, asking your representative to sign on as a cosponsor to the Parental Rights Amendment, H.J. Res. 121, with Rep. Hultgren of Illinois.
- If you’d like to add some of the reasoning behind your decision to support the Amendment, that will help them, too.
- You might also mention that, while it’s unlikely the PRA will be passed this Congress (which ends in a couple of months), their support in this tangible way can only help them on their reelection efforts this November. Public opinion polls show support for parental rights at over 90%, regardless of political party affiliation.
- Lastly, some offices will also require you to give them your address so they can confirm you live in the congressman’s district.
Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day today to raise your voice with ours for the cause of our families and our parental rights!
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
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