Posts Tagged ‘updates’
Check Out Our Updated Website!
After months of behind-the-scenes work, we are excited to introduce you to a new look for! This redesign brings increased functionality and an improved experience on both desktop and mobile devices. The website structure remains similar to what it has been so that you can continue to find the helpful content you rely on.…
Read MoreExciting Days Ahead
The school year may be winding down, but things are just about to take off here at The biggest item on the near horizon is the introduction of the Parental Rights Amendment (PRA) in both houses of Congress, which I expect to see very soon. But that’s not all that’s taking place during that…
Read MoreParental Rights Heating up on Capitol Hill
Picture: President Jim Mason and Gov’t Relations Director Will Estrada on Capitol Hill with Diane Redleaf of The Family Defense Center and Suzanne Sellers of Families Organizing for Child Welfare Justice, part of a 12-member coalition for parental rights President Jim Mason met with Senator Lindsey Graham’s staff last Tuesday to lay the…
Read MoreQuick Update: Meeting with Friends Old and New
On Tuesday, Feb. 14, President Jim Mason and Will Estrada visited the office of Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) to discuss the Parental Rights Amendment. Franks, who has long supported our effort (he was the lead sponsor of the Amendment, HJRes. 110, in 2012), is a member of the Constitution Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee.…
Read MoreBusy in the State House and in the U.S. Senate
In This Issue: Report: Busy in the State House and in the U.S. Senate By the Numbers: State and National Legislation Go Deeper: Two-Thirds Vote to Pass the Parental Rights Amendment ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Report: Busy in the State House and in the U.S. Senate has been busy in the state house and in the U.S.…
Read to Continue Farris Legacy
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE // January 10, 2017 // Purcellville, VA – This afternoon founder Michael Farris announced he is stepping down as president of the national organization promoting the Parental Rights Amendment. Farris is concurrently leaving his 30-year employment with the Homeschool Legal Defense Association to accept a position as president, CEO, and General…
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