Calls Needed to Advance Parental Rights Amendment in Minnesota

On January 23, Representatives Ron Kresha and Josh Heintzeman introduced HF682 to propose an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution protecting parental rights in their child’s education. The bill guarantees “the liberty of a parent to direct the  education of their child [as] a fundamental right to choose, as an alternative to public education, a private,…

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Winning Defense: Stopping Bad Bills across the Nation

We talk a lot about good bills that we’re working on across the nation: legislation like our Parents’ Bill of Rights and fundamental parental rights bills that will strengthen the right of parents to raise, educate, and care for their children. But thanks to your support of, we also work aggressively to stop bad…

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Parents’ Efforts Around the Country Starting to Pay Off!

Across the nation, some state legislatures are starting to adjourn for the year. Others have reached cross-over day, where bills have to pass from one chamber to another or they’re dead for the year. Still other legislatures remain in full swing. All this year, ordinary moms and dads like you, with your energy and passion,…

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DC “Legislative Disease” Spreading as Warned

Minnesota citizens rally in 2019 to oppose a change in state law that would have limited their choices as parents.

Minnesota citizens rally in 2019 to oppose a change in state law that would have limited their choices as parents. Unfortunately, we were right. Last fall when DC was considering a bill authorizing minors as young as 11 to consent to vaccines without their parents’ knowledge or consent, we warned that if the effort passed,…

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Minnesota to End All Private Education?

A new proposal in Minnesota would create a constitutional provision that “all children have a fundamental right to a quality public education,” which could threaten the natural and constitutional right of parents to decide what form of education is best for their child. While the availability of a free public education has been a hallmark…

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Join Us for the 2nd Annual Health and Parental Rights Rally in Minnesota!

Next Thursday, February 20th, ParentalRights.Org Minnesota and Health Choice Minnesota are hosting the second annual Health and Parental Rights Rally. The event will take place at the Minnesota State Capitol at 2 PM, Central Time. Last year, we packed the Capitol rotunda with 1,900 people, while half the state was shut down with subzero whiteout…

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