Last-Minute Matching Grant

Clarification: The last $2,000 grant earns money for Parental Rights Foundation, which means the money will go to education, not lobbying. However, we can earn that grant through your donation to either (which we can use to lobby) or the Foundation.
Every three days, roughly 2,000 children are taken from their homes over allegations of abuse or neglect. Statistically, nearly 1,700 of those are taken unnecessarily. So we went on the road today to help put a stop to it.
As I write it’s 3:50 pm on the East coast, and our #GTRoadTrip is well underway. Maggie and Shellby are at this moment making their way from Harrisburg, PA back to our Virginia office for the final stop on their state capitals tour.
Our #GivingTuesday campaign is well underway, too. So far we have raised $7,880, plus the same amount in matching funds, bringing us to 79% of our $20,000 one-day goal.
If you’ve already given today, we want to thank you so much for your generous support!
But we’re not finished yet. In fact, we received a last-minute matching grant of $2,000 more, meaning every dollar will be matched not up to $20,000, but up to $24,000.
Please, if you haven’t given yet (or even if you have but can afford to give a little more), don’t let us leave those grants on the table!
Check out all of the updates from different states on Facebook!
It’s not too late to win a bundle featuring t-shirts, DVDs, and a stylish mug. It’s also not too late to share this post with your family and friends and urge them to give as well. And it’s not too late to take advantage of the matching grants, meaning for every dollar you give, will receive $2—now up to $24,000!
Every three days: We’ve mentioned it several times in the last six months. Like you, we understand that there is no greater protection for children in America than their parents—and the best way to protect that relationship from unwarranted intrusion is through the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which our state resolutions will help bring about.
So take a moment to protect the children through your gift to Then post a selfie with your family (or a picture of your family) and encourage your friends to give, too.
Michael Ramey
Executive Director
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