Coalition Letter – Another Step Forward

This week takes another step toward introducing the Parental Rights Amendment in the U.S. House. We are inviting organizations to sign a coalition letter in favor of the Amendment (PRA) to strengthen the pending introduction.
A coalition letter is a means for organizations to show their support of an issue or a piece of legislation such as the PRA. In this case, has written a letter supporting the PRA and asked allied organizations to add their “signature” to the end of it. So far signers include such far-reaching organizations as the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, Concerned Women for America, and Americans for Tax Reform, as well as key state organizations from Maine to Alabama and from Delaware to Montana.
If you are a president or owner of an organization and would like to sign on, please let me know at If you have contact and influence with an organization you believe would be interested, please encourage them to get in touch with us, too; I’d be happy to answer any questions they may have.
Please note that we are not collecting individual signatures. The purpose of a coalition letter is to show that organizations (not individuals) have come together to back parental rights. So while your individual support is certainly appreciated – we literally would not exist as an organization without all of you! – this letter is for supporting organizations.
You can read the letter supporting parental rights, and feel free to print out a copy for any other organizations who need to consider it.
Our last coalition letter garnered 77 signatures representing national, state, and local organizations. Our goal this week is to have 100 or more on this year’s letter.
To be sure your organization is included in the first printing of the letter, we’ll need the signer’s name, title, and name of the organization by 4:00 Eastern on Friday, June 16. (Those who sign later will be added to a newer copy, but the letter with their signature may or may not reach all of the congressional offices that the first printing will reach.)
For those of you new to the introduction process, this letter is one of the final steps before we start securing initial cosponsors. Call blitzes and email campaigns are just around the corner. So hang on for an exciting summer!
And thank you as always for standing with us, individually and through organizations, to promote and protect parental rights.
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
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