Parental Rights in Minnesota

Minnesota Parental Rights News

Minnesota citizens rally in 2019 to oppose a change in state law that would have limited their choices as parents.

DC “Legislative Disease” Spreading as Warned

May 19, 2021

Unfortunately, we were right. Last fall when DC was considering a bill authorizing minors as young as 11 to consent to vaccines without their parents’ knowledge or consent, we warned that if the effort passed, it would soon be copied in the states as well. On Thursday, May 15, Rep. Freiburg and Sen. Eaton introduced…

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Minnesota State Law and Parental Rights

At Risk

Minnesota does not have a state statute that explicitly defines and protects parental rights as fundamental rights.

March 2018: Some Minnesota lawmakers introduced a bill (S.F. 3779) to try to address disproportionality in CPS (see this Parental Rights Foundation report for disproporitionality information by state).

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Minnesota Courts and Parental Rights

"Strict Scrutiny" Applied to Parental Rights

Soohoo v. Johnson, 731 N.W.2d 815, 821 (Minn. 2007): The MN Supreme Court held that even though "the Supreme Court in Troxel did not articulate the standard of review to be applied when reviewing third-party visitation statutes . . .Strict scrutiny is the appropriate standard of review when fundamental rights are at issue."

However, this precedent is subject to change.