We Have A Sponsor for Parental Rights Amendment!

Dear Champion of Parental Rights,
It’s time! Today is the day to call Congress in preparation for the introduction of the Parental Rights Amendment (PRA) in the U.S. House.
Last month we met with Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), and he agreed wholeheartedly to become the lead sponsor of the Parental Rights Amendment in this new session of Congress.
The new Congress convened on Thursday, January 3, and Rep. Banks is ready to hit the ground running. He is already enlisting original cosponsors so he can introduce the PRA later this month with a strong showing of support. He’s waiting a couple of weeks before introduction to give your congressman the opportunity to join him.
But we need you to let your congressman know that!
Right now we need you to call your representative and invite them to sign on with Rep. Banks as an original cosponsor of the Parental Rights Amendment in the House.
Here’s all you need to do:
1. Find your congressman’s contact information here.
2. Call their office and tell them the following, in your own words:
“I am a constituent and I’m calling to ask my congressman to support my family by protecting our parental rights. Right now Rep. Banks of Indiana is gathering initial cosponsors on a proposed Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I would encourage my representative to become one of those initial cosponsors. You can sign up by contacting Tanner Spencer in Mr. Banks’ office.”
If they ask for a bill number (which many will do out of habit), gently remind them we’re looking for original cosponsors, so there isn’t a bill number yet.
3. Spread the word to your family and friends and urge them to reach out to their congressmen, too!
For many of you, your congressman has sponsored the PRA in the past. Call and urge them to do so again; they will be grateful to you for telling them who to contact to make that happen. (Again, that’s Tanner Spencer in Rep. Banks’ office.)
For others, your congressman has never been part of the PRA effort. But this new Congress gives them the perfect opportunity to start fresh in showing their commitment to you and your family’s rights.
So please take a moment to call.
Together we can launch the Parental Rights Amendment early in this Congress with a strong showing of bipartisan support. So let’s get on the phone and make it happen!
Michael T. Ramey
Executive Director
[…] https://parentalrights.org/sponsoramendment/ […]