Thank you – you make it happen!

This year we set our most ambitious Giving Tuesday goal yet, and we missed it by only $3,400.
All told, this Giving Tuesday raised $26,600.00 for the Parental Rights Foundation.
Our goal for one-day giving was $30,000: half from matching grants secured in advance, and the other half from all of you.
While we fell a little short of our goal, we at the Parental Rights Foundation are incredibly encouraged by the support each one of you showed us. Through your generous donations and by sharing our content online, you all pulled together to show incredible support for this crucial cause. And your support has given us an encouraging push as we finish up this year’s goals.
As I look forward to starting the new year, I am overwhelmed with your out-pouring of generosity to empower parents to protect their children. We take seriously our obligation to make the best use of your gifts to continue to change the way families are treated throughout America.
I wish I could thank each of you individually and in person; you are simply the best.
Thank you so much for fueling the fight for parental rights!
Michael Ramey
Executive Director