Going LIVE with Bishop Winans Today – New Racial Disproportionality Report

Our president Jim Mason is going live with GRAMMY ® award winner and pastor Bishop Marvin Winans on Facebook today at 11:30 a.m. EDT. Winans will be talking about his music, his ministry, and his passion for the parent-child relationship.
Winans, who serves on the board of ParentalRights.org and the Parental Rights Foundation, leads one of Detroit’s largest and most vibrant churches. He sees every day the threat to parental rights imposed in his community by over-reaching state actors, especially for minority families.
Jim Mason and Bishop Winans will also introduce a brand-new Parental Rights Foundation report on racial disproportionality in child welfare cases.
We’ll monitor our page throughout the program so your questions in the comments section can be addressed during the Live interview.
So head over to Facebook.com/ParentalRights.org at 11:30 a.m. EDT and join the discussion on parental rights and the ministry of a Gospel music legend.
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
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