Action Needed Today in Oklahoma

***Watchdog Alert! Action Needed***
Representative Kevin Calvey’s House Bill (HB) 3686 will be heard this week!
We are asking you to call and email your representative today and ask them to vote “YES”!
About HB 3686
HB 3686 will change how anonymous calls to the child abuse prevention hotline are handled in Oklahoma.
First, confidential calls will still be taken by CPS and the name of the caller will always be protected. A reporter’s identity will not be disclosed except with the very rare instance of a court order.
Fully anonymous calls, however, will be transferred to 911, allowing CPS to focus on reports with complete details of child abuse and neglect.
HB 3686 seeks to offer further protection to stable and loving parents from undue investigation and stress, as anonymous reports are often made with selfish or malicious intent. In some cases an ex-spouse or angry friend may call in a report out of spite or revenge.
HB 3686 seeks to remove these careless calls from the statewide hotline, where they burden Oklahoma’s DHS workers who already have hefty case loads.
Representative Calvey’s bill is designed to help DHS workers and protect Oklahoma parents.
Please Email or Call Today
Please email and call your representative today! Ask them to VOTE “YES” on HB 3686.
Find your legislator using this link:
Tracey Montgomery
Oklahoma State Coordinator
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