Parental Rights and Education

Our nation boasts some of the best public (and private) educators in the world. Unfortunately, we also have some teachers and administrators whose work and worldview are less than ideal.

Too often, the area of education sees the tension between parents and a group of professional elites who believe they can better make decisions for all children.

  • Public School: "No Parents Allowed" - Laws in a majority of states limit or entirely deny to parents any “right” to be present on school grounds where their child is in attendance.
  • Public School: Parents Are Losing Say Regarding Content - The Ninth Circuit in Fields v. Palmdale (2005) held that, “Parents…have no constitutional right…to prevent a public school from providing its students with whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise, when and as the school determines that it is appropriate to do so.” (emphasis added) See below for some specific examples.
  • Homeschool: Parental Rights to Educational Choice Being Questioned - Several academic journals over the last few years have featured claims by academic elitists “that public education should be mandatory and universal.” See below for several examples of homeschool families who, although homeschooling legally, had their decision undermined.

Real Stories; Real Problems

NE Bill Successfully Vetoed

Alfie Evans Update, State Laws, and More News!

By | May 1, 2018

The parental rights effort is a lot like raising preschoolers: every once in a while, things that were calm and quiet suddenly explode with activity. For parental rights, this week…

Law Professor Attacks Parental Rights

Shocking Video: Law Professor Attacks Parental Rights

By | October 11, 2017

Shocking Video: Law Professor Attacks Parental Rights (Our thanks to CRTV for their footage of James Dwyer. The full episode on the Homeschool Rebellion and Season 2 of Michelle Malkin…

Back-to-School: Parental Rights “Substantially Diminished”

By | September 6, 2017

September means back to school, and for millions of American parents that means a significant reduction in your parental rights. In 1995 the First Circuit Court of Appeals held that…

Child and Parent

Special Report: The State of Parental Rights in America, 2017

By neonadmin | February 20, 2017

The Supreme Court once declared, “This primary role of parents in the upbringing of their children is now established beyond debate as an enduring American tradition.” Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406…

Mom Shocked When School Pulled Son’s Teeth

By neonadmin | February 2, 2017

In This Issue: Report: Mom Shocked When School Pulled Son’s Teeth By the Numbers: Children and Dental Health Go Deeper: HIPAA ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Report: Mom Shocked When School Pulled Son’s Teeth…