DC Bill #GivingTuesday Update

Over the last few weeks, we have been tracking a bill in DC that would not only permit 11-year-olds to give legal consent for a vaccination against their parents’ wishes, but also prevent medical professionals, school officials, and even your insurance from telling the parents about it—even after the fact.
Parents in the District will still be responsible for their child’s health and well-being, but without even the basic knowledge of what vaccinations their child has or has not received.
Yet, despite our phone calls and emails expressing concern, the bill passed the DC Council by a vote of 10 to 3 on November 20, and it’s headed to the mayor’s office.
As we explained earlier, the bill can be signed or vetoed by the mayor—she has 10 days to decide—and then it goes to Congress for a 30-day legislative review period, during which Congress can veto the bill by passing a resolution against it.
And we are already working with members in both the House and Senate to get such a resolution introduced and passed in those 30 legislative days.
Because, as you know, [FNAME], if this bill is allowed to stand in DC, it’s only a matter of time before it will be duplicated in your state, too.
And it will directly threaten your ability to make wise and informed health-care decisions for your children, whom you love with all your heart.
How can you keep them safe when you don’t even know what has been done to them?
That’s why ParentalRights.org is continuing our efforts to stop this troubling bill and others like it that will come up in the 2021 legislative session, starting in January.
To combat these threats, we are aiming to raise $90,000 this #GivingTuesday, which is today, December 1.
Generous donors have already given a $45,000 matching grant to DOUBLE your #GivingTuesday gift. So your gift of $15, $35, or $125 today to protect families by preserving parental rights can have TWICE the impact until the match is met!
Your gift to ParentalRights.org or your tax-deductible gift to our sister organization, the Parental Rights Foundation, will go a long way to fueling our efforts in the coming year.
Efforts to block harmful legislation that would take your children out of your control and place them in unknown danger.
Or Foundation efforts to remove the names of innocent parents from child abuse registries where they never belonged in the first place.
Or efforts to keep a father and daughter together, like the case the Foundation supported at the Texas Supreme Court.
Real people. Real families. Real lives.
Can they count on you to stand with them today?
The deadline to double your gift is 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, December 1—that’s TODAY!
Make your gift to protect children by preserving #parentalrights this #GivingTuesday, and your gift will be DOUBLED until the $45,000 matching donations are met.
Thank you for your most generous response today!
Michael Ramey
Executive Director
P.S.—Reminder: In just a few hours, we will be sending out an email you can forward to family and friends to introduce them to the issues threatening your—and their—parental rights. When you get that email, please forward it along to grow our voice for families together!