Calls Needed NOW to Protect Innocent Families from Being Placed on Central Registry
We are pleased to support a bipartisan bill, HB 23-1160, that has been sponsored by Representative Gabe Evans and Representative Elisabeth Epps, which will establish due process protections before an innocent parent is placed on Colorado’s central registry of abuse and neglect. HB 23-1160 will greatly improve the likelihood that all Colorado families receive due process in CPS investigations. HB 23-1160 is based on the Parental Rights Foundation’s model legislation on this subject.
HB 23-1160 will be heard and voted on by the Public & Behavioral Health & Human Services Committee on Tuesday, February 14, at 1:30 PM.
Please email and call the Colorado Representatives who are on the Public & Behavioral Health & Human Services Committee, and urge them to vote “yes” on HB 23-1160, to ensure that Colorado families receive due process protections during CPS investigations, and that they have the opportunity for notice and a hearing before being placed on a registry that could cost them their job, or even their children.
- Representative Dafna Michaelson Jenet, 303-866-2945,
- Representative Judy Amabile, 303-866-2578,
- Representative Brandi Bradley, 303-866-2935,
- Representative Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, 303-866-2954,
- Representative Richard Holtorf, 303-866-2398,
- Representative Tammy Story, 303-866-2582,
- Representative Mary Young, 303-866-2929,
- Representative Mary Bradfield, 303-866-2946,
- Representative Regina English, 303-866-3069,
- Representative Eliza Hamrick, 303-866-3706,
- Representative Iman Jodeh, 303-866-2919,
Thank you for standing with us to protect innocent families and children during CPS investigations.
Very truly yours,
Will Estrada
President, and Parental Rights Foundation