Parents’ Rally at Philadelphia City Hall Oct. 15

Mark your calendars and spread the word!
On Thursday, October 15th Board Member and PA State Coordinator, Vickie Suarez, will be speaking at the “Believe me! I’m a mother!” rally at Philadelphia City Hall and you are invited to attend!
The rally starts at 9:00 a.m. at Philadelphia City Hall’s Northeast Entrance, and protests Philadelphia’s out-of-control Child Protective Services, challenging them to shift their focus to keeping families together.
Your attendance at this rally is crucial because the more people attend, the more our cause is heard and taken seriously by lawmakers who have the power to make change for good!
You and I know that too many of these abuse accusations are either blatantly false or only cases of less-than-perfect parenting. And when children are removed from those loving homes they are not being helped by the change; they are traumatized.
In a country with many unnecessary removals, Philadelphia has a particularly bad reputation.
So we’re rallying to tell them that children are safest with fit, loving parents, and the Philadelphia child welfare system needs to stop tearing apart good families.
Stand with us and with Vickie to fight for families on October 15th!