Action Alert: Call or Email to Support Reasonable Childhood Independence Bill

We’re excited to let you know that Senator Ben Hansen (District 16) has introduced L.B. 42, a bill that protects innocent families from being caught up in child neglect investigations. 

L.B. 42 was introduced January 5 and will be scheduled for a Judiciary Committee hearing, so we need your help. Please contact your senator and ask him or her to cosponsor and vote in support of L.B. 42. You can call or email your senator (or both!) with a message as simple as the following:

“Please support L.B. 42. At a time when it seems that government is encroaching more and more on loving parents and their ability to care for and raise their children, L.B. 42 provides freedom to parents to let their children grow and thrive, freeing Nebraska’s Division of Children and Family Services to focus attention on children who are truly in danger of abuse or neglect.”

If you decide to email your senator, feel free to link to the letter of support that we sent to the sponsor of L.B. 42.

For background, L.B. 42 amends Nebraska law to clarify that a parent who allows his or her child to engage in “independent activities” will not be considered to have neglected the child, unless there is evidence of obvious danger that any reasonable parent would not – and should not — ignore. L.B. 42 enjoys broad bipartisan support from advocacy groups across the political spectrum, including, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) (whose model bill Nebraska’s legislation mirrors), Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Nebraska Appleseed, 50Can, Let Grow, and several Nebraska-based child advocacy groups. 

Thank you for standing with us for parental rights and freedom.


Will Estrada
