View the One-Page Battle Plan.
We are already working with members of Congress to introduce the Parental Rights Amendment (which is presented as a resolution) in the House and Senate as early as possible in January 2019.
State resolutions provide a way for your state legislature to put pressure on your delegation in the U.S. Congress to sign on as cosponsors of the Parental Rights Amendment, so our aim is to see as many of them introduced and adopted as possible during the 2019 session.
These state resolutions
- provide an opportunity for both parties to show support for parental rights (something we are not yet seeing in Congress), and
- apply pressure; as the number of states climbs, so does the sense that Congress needs to act as the states demand.
But to pass them, we need your help!
Please join our team of "resolutionaries" today by donating, signing up as a resolutionary (which means we can count on you to call your state and federal legislatures when the time comes), and enlisting your friends! Together, we CAN make a difference.
Questions? Thoughts? We want to hear them! Email info@parentalrights.org.
What YOU can do:
1. Donate
Passing a resolution--whether a state one or a federal one--takes resources. Your donation helps us push parental rights forward!
2. Connect
Make sure we know you're on our resolutionary team so we can call on you when the time comes to call Congress, etc. We'll also keep you informed of the latest #ParentalRights news.
3. Recruit
Recruit your friends to become resolutionaries!
4. Introduce
Know a state lawmaker? Have any interest in piloting a resolution in YOUR state? Email michael@parentalrights.org (be sure to mention which state you are in when you do).